宾州州立银行 engineering students receive LION STEM scholarship

Five 博克斯 County students are among the recipients
Photo of 宾州州立银行 LION STEM Scholars

This year's LION STEM Scholars include (front row, left to right) Savannah Soto, 麦肯齐尤因, Michaela Donoho and Gladys Perez Rodriguez, (后排, left to right) Agustin Menjivar, 卡尔文Yoder), Isaiah Smith and Matthias Maftei.

Credit: Samantha Bower

WYOMISSING,爸爸. - 8名即将入学的赌博平台大全学生获得了为期四年的奖学金,通过赌博平台大全利用创新和优化培育(LION) STEM学者计划学习工程学. This program is in its third year.

今年早些时候,十大正规赌博平台大全的博克斯从美国大学获得了75万美元的资助.S. National Science Foundation Scholarships in Science, 技术, Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM) program. The grant was used to create the LION STEM Scholars Program, which provides 支持 in the form of a four-year, 可再生6美元,250奖学金给有经济需要的有才华的工程专业学生. Students who meet the requirements will receive $25,000 over four years.

In addition to scholarship funds, students will also receive academic 支持, 指导, and professional development through the LION STEM Scholars Program. 每年都会有一批学生参加这个项目,为期三年, for a total of 18 scholars over the program period.

LION STEM学者项目还提供了其他支持大学成功的经验,包括一个名为“工程先行”的为期四周的免费暑期“桥梁”项目,以加强学术准备,并在大学第一个秋季学期之前提供社区建设经验. Engineering Ahead includes a cohort experience, special on-campus living options, and enrichment activities focused on communication, financial literacy, career readiness, undergraduate research and community engagement.

This year’s scholarship recipients include: Michaela Donoho, 伦敦的, Ohio; 麦肯齐尤因, 莫斯利的, Virginia; Matthias Maftei, 阅读的, 宾西法尼亚; Agustin Menjivar, of Pompton Lakes, New Jersey; Gladys Perez Rodriguez, 阅读的, 宾西法尼亚; Isaiah Smith, 阅读的, 宾西法尼亚; Savannah Soto, 的Wyomissing, 宾西法尼亚; and 卡尔文Yoder), 的寺庙, 宾西法尼亚.

“作为狮子STEM学者项目的接受者,我处于一个成功的位置,史密斯说. “First and foremost, it provided financial assistance for my tuition, 减轻了我为了支付学费而优先考虑工作的压力, and allowing me to now prioritize my studies. 其次, 因为我参加了“超前工程”项目,它为我作为一名新生的成功做好了准备. 我学的是, 我合作, I learned about classes, 工作, 实习, types of engineers, and what to expect. 最后, it introduced me to fellow incoming freshman engineers, 教授, 过去的同辈学生——所有这些都让我觉得我并不孤单, but rather now a part of a community, full of resources, 支持, 和善良. I am so grateful for this opportunity.”

LION STEM学者计划的主要目标是通过毕业更多表现出经济需求的多样化高成就STEM学生来增强STEM劳动力. 赌博平台大全将收集数据,分析课程和课外活动如何影响STEM身份,并传播STEM持久性和角色身份领域的研究结果.

Being a LION STEM Scholar was an honor. 这笔奖学金将帮助我在十大正规赌博平台大全完成学业,而不会有经济压力. 我可以把精力集中在学习上,而不用担心付不起学费. 这个奖学金给了我一个良好的开端,因为我来自一个经济条件不好的家庭.

—Matthias Maftei , LION STEM Scholar

瑞安哈斯勒, teaching professor of mathematics at 宾州州立银行, is the principal investigator on the grant, along with co-principal investigators Dawn Pfeifer Reitz, associate teaching professor of communication arts and sciences, and Janelle Larson, division head of engineering, business and computing at 宾州州立银行. Other senior personnel on the grant include Sonia Delaquito, coordinator of the Learning Center, and Catherine Cohan, 十大正规赌博平台大全公园工程拓展与包容中心的助理研究教授, who will provide program evaluation 支持.

“我很高兴欢迎第三批LION STEM学者来到十大正规赌博平台大全博克学院. 我期待着在他们各自的工程学科中支持每一位学者,因为我们将他们的STEM持久性作为他们发展STEM身份的副产品来分析,哈斯勒说. “Through targeted interventions, 该项目将为学生在十大正规赌博平台大全攻读四年工程学位期间提供学术和课外支持. 美国国家科学基金会提供的财政支持将彻底改变那些可能负担不起高等教育的人的生活.” 

哈斯勒还是十大正规赌博平台大全伯克工程超前项目的协调员. 他解释说,在赌博平台大全注册的学生中,有38%有资格获得联邦佩尔助学金. Hassler对申请NSF S-STEM奖学金很感兴趣,因为许多经济困难的学生由于经济限制而无法完成他们的学位. LION STEM学者项目将为这些学生提供完成学位所需的部分资金.

"This scholarship greatly helps me with 支持ing my college education. Being from out-of-state and first-gen already proposes challenges; being part of the third cohort ensures that I have a sort of community built up before school, a closer connection to staff and faculty, and more opportunities to grow,多诺霍说.

“LION STEM学者项目是一个令人兴奋的机会项目,它建立在Engineering Ahead项目的成功基础上, 它最初也是由国家科学基金会资助的. 短期目标是增加那些想要主修工程并且有财务需求的有才华的伯克学生的成功. 长期目标是提高学生的社会流动性和工程劳动力的整体多样性,Cohan补充道。.

“Being a LION STEM Scholar was an honor,” Maftei said. “这笔奖学金将帮助我在十大正规赌博平台大全完成学业,而不会有经济压力. 我可以把精力集中在学习上,而不用担心付不起学费. 这个奖学金给了我一个良好的开端,因为我来自一个经济条件不好的家庭.”

有关LION STEM学者计划的更多信息,请联系Hassler [email protected] 或访问 the LION STEM Scholars website.
